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Federal Government awards $800,000 to fund a National Parkinson’s Action Plan

Jun. 17, 2024

The National Parkinson’s Alliance welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement of $800,000 in funding over two years to develop and implement Australia’s first National Parkinson's Action Plan.

The National Parkinson’s Alliance is a national collaboration of key community stakeholders and leaders in the Parkinson’s community in Australia who have come together to inform and shape policies, strategies, and initiatives that will enhance the lives of individuals affected by Parkinson’s across Australia.

The Chair of the National Parkinson’s Alliance, Dr Harley Stanton, was driven to bring leaders together in Australia following his own Parkinson’s diagnosis. “We extend our gratitude to The Hon Mark Butler, Minister for Health and Aged Care and the Co-chairs of the Parliamentary Friends of Parkinson’s Senators Wendy Askew and Catryna Bilyk, for their invaluable support for the development of a National Parkinson’s Action Plan.”

The purpose of this National Parkinson’s Action Plan is to call for improvement in key areas including:

  • reducing stigma for people living with Parkinson’s
  • improved education and capability of the health, disability and aged care workforce
  • earlier detection and diagnosis of Parkinson’s, including more empathetic delivery of diagnosis and referral and access of a multi-disciplinary team
  • better access to, and co-ordination of, evidence-based healthcare, resources, supports and treatments
  • improved prevention of Parkinson’s
  • better data on Parkinson’s prevalence and monitoring of practice gaps
  • new and improved treatments therapies, with greater access to clinical trials
  • greater funding for research, including translation of current research into practice

Member of the Alliance A/ Professor Michele Callisaya, who lives with Young Onset Parkinson’s, says “Targeting these key areas will reduce disability, improve quality of life and save on health, disability and aged care costs and ensure future investment in research.”

To ensure the sustainability of this work, the Alliance has established an inclusive network of people with Parkinson’s, like-minded organisations, institutions, clinical professionals and government.

The National Parkinson’s Alliance will oversee the development, implementation, and assessment of the National Parkinson’s Action Plan working with the Department of Health and Aged Care to ensure appropriate delivery of outcomes in line with the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions.

As the world’s fastest growing neurological disease, a coordinated approach to ending Parkinson’s is rapidly becoming a priority across the globe. In late May 2024, the US Senate unanimously passed the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act, the first-ever federal legislation dedicated to ending Parkinson’s disease.

About the National Parkinson’s Action Plan

Developed with and for the community, the National Parkinson’s Action Plan will inform community, government and the sector of the priorities, strategies and actions necessary to deliver positive change for people living with Parkinson’s in Australia.

About the National Parkinson’s Alliance

The National Parkinson’s Alliance is a collaboration of key stakeholders and leaders in the Parkinson’s community including Fight Parkinson’s; Parkinson’s NSW, Parkinson’s Tasmania, and the Shake It Up Australia Foundation, along with representatives from leading research institutions including Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA), Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI), Menzies Institute of Medical Research, the University of Tasmania, and Queensland University of Technology. This group is dedicated to working with the Parkinson’s community to inform and shape policies, strategies, and initiatives that will enhance the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s nationwide.

Read related article here: National Parkinson’s Alliance formed to lead change for the Parkinson’s community

For more information about the National Parkinson’s Alliance, please contact Miranda Woodward, Executive Support to the Alliance 


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