Freecall Infoline

1800 644 189

I am: | A Health Professional

A Health Professional

As leaders within the Parkinson's community in Australia, we have a deep understanding of the needs and challenges of people living with Parkinson’s, or Atypical Parkinson’s (PSP, MSA and CBS), and their families, and carers.

We employ a highly skilled team of allied health professionals to provide information and support services to the Parkinson’s community in Victoria as well as education programs nationally. Through community engagement, evidence, and best practice, we are enabling our community and driving their capacity for empowerment to self-manage and make informed choices.

The Fight Parkinson’s Health Team offers ongoing opportunities for health professionals specialising in Parkinson’s or with Parkinson’s patients. We know that the experience, knowledge and skills of health professionals with this specific expertise has a direct impact on the outcomes of people living with Parkinson’s. We aim to ensure health professionals feel well equipped and supported to manage the clinical challenges of Parkinson’s. 

The current services we offer to health professionals are outlined below.

This section covers: 

Health Professionals Information Line

Professional Development Seminars

Resources for Health Professionals


Health Professionals’ Information Line

Managing the various symptoms, functional implications, daily needs, and medical treatments of people living with Parkinson’s can be a complex task. Health professionals of any discipline are welcomed and encouraged to phone the Fight Parkinson’s Information Line to seek advice and support about best practice management of Parkinson’s and Atypical Parkinson’s (PSP, MSA, CBS). 

Our Health Team can help you develop a treatment or management plan for a person living with Parkinson’s. They can also advise on community support and professional services to assist people living with Parkinson’s. A free translation service is also available. 

Fight Parkinson’s Information Line is free and confidential and available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (except public holidays). Call 1800 644 189. You can also email the team

The Fight Parkinson’s Information Line is supported by the State Government of Victoria. We heavily rely on fundraising and generous donations from our community to continue and grow our delivery of education, advice and peer support services across the state and fund vital research. 

Professional Development Seminars

Fight Parkinson’s offers a range of education sessions to meet the learning needs and goals of health and allied health professionals throughout the state. Our professional education sessions are an ideal forum for individuals with various levels of understanding and experience in the area of Parkinson’s to enhance their current knowledge base. 

We provide equitable access to experienced Parkinson’s educators via online or onsite training and work closely with families, healthcare professionals, researchers, and community organisations to build their awareness and confidence in supporting the needs of people living with Parkinson’s and Atypical Parkinson’s (PSP, MSA, CBS). 

All sessions include:

  • A general introduction to Parkinson’s including cause, incidence, diagnosis and prognosis
  • Information on the motor, non-motor and autonomic signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s 
  • Information on current treatment options including surgery, medication management, and relevant side effects and precautions
  • Practical strategies used by physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists to address common Parkinson’s concerns such as freezing, mobility and communication
  • Information about the support services provided by Fight Parkinson’s and those in the community.

Fight Parkinson’s can also provide support to address any specific learning gaps identified by your team, including but not limited to:

  • Nursing care
  • Continence, constipation, and sexual difficulties
  • Psychosocial aspects of chronic illness
  • Safe hospitalisation
  • Palliative care for the Parkinson’s and Atypical Parkinson’s (PSP, MSA, CBS) patient
  • Surgical and critical care management
  • Management of Atypical Parkinson’s (PSP, MSA and CBS)

Find further information about upcoming professional development opportunities and events here. Email us at for more information.

Resources For Health Professionals

Fight Parkinson’s has developed a range of fact sheets and resources that support health professionals to educate themselves and/or their clients about Parkinson’s, including symptom management.

We also offer resources specifically for health professionals including:

  • Parkinson’s: A General Practice Approach Second Edition – available in hard copy only. Contact us to receive a free copy of this resource.
  • A medications fact sheet - Medications to be used with caution for people with Parkinson’s – developed by Parkinson’s Australia. 

Please contact us at the Fight Parkinson’s Information line 1800 644 189 or by email at if you’d like to discuss our resources offering. For tailored information or educational opportunities please call Reception at (03) 8809 0400 or contact us via any of these options. 
