Positive Life: Communication and Cognition
Online Session via Zoom (map)
Wed 5th Oct 2022, 12:00pm to 1:00pm (1 hour)
Do you sometimes find it hard to find the right word? Need more time to put your thoughts into words? Are there times when it’s harder to think, concentrate or process information? You are not alone. Communication and thinking changes can occur in Parkinson’s and can impact quality of life.
Communication and cognition interact in a complex way, involving multiple brain regions and pathways. Every person’s experience will be different and changes may initially be noticed by other people in your life. This session is presented by Fight Parkinson's Health team members:
- Janet Benalcazar, Speech Pathologist
- Victoria Tull, Occupational Therapist
This session will discuss some common communication and cognitive changes experienced in Parkinson’s and provide practical strategies to help prevent, recognise, and repair breakdowns to achieve successful outcomes.
If you want to check out other Positive Life sessions, click here.